
Crafting challenge, week 9

This week was pretty busy for me but I did a thing which you can find here.  Those of you who know me won't find this surprising in any way but I have very strong opinions on stances and metagaming.  I was going to do something less interesting but when I got to looking at my potential video topics list that's the guy that jumped off the page at me.  I didn't think I could get away with not doing that one next.  

The creation process went long for a couple reasons.  Despite having had a lot of time to think and develop my ideas, I'd never organized them more than explaining stuff in person.  The editing process, for those who don't know, is often where a pile of time is spent.  My first two videos were recaps of articles I'd already published so a lot of that hard work had already been done.  This time around that wasn't true and I covered a couple deep topics.  Between the research, pulling my awful jokes out of it, writing the script, and general difficulty with a medium I don't fully grok yet, it all went long.  

An additional problem is that this week I ran two games. Well, as of the writing of this post, the second hasn't happened quite yet, but the other one ran yesterday.  We were at a point in the other game that I needed to do a bunch of prep which also ate a bunch of time.  Life's hard that way sometimes.  

I don't really want the "thing a week challenge" to devolve into "I made another video this week" but it probably will be for a while until I get things humming along better.  In particular, I've super wanted to paint some stuff (Bones 4 shipment arrived recently) but I haven't made the time to sit down and do so.  I'm also not helped by having started to put together Robotech RPG Tactics figs a couple weeks ago which are in about a thousandy-eleventy parts each so my crafting table is full of partially assembled mecha.  Someday those will be assembled and painted mecha but not today.  Someday I'll also get back to designing my other game, somewhat ironically why I was putting those mecha together in the first place.  

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