
Wizkids-a-rama, week 2 (week 41)

For this theme I'm trying to settle into a rhythm focusing on brush painting and slapping around paint as quick-like as I can but I can't say I've been successful thusfar. These are (supposedly) pre-primed so I don't have to worry about that. I spend some time shaving off mold lines and getting them on a magnetized base but we dispense with the zenithal and anti-zenithal this time around. Instead we're going with a shaded basecoat mainly comprised of Pro Acryl Transparents and following up with whatever paints will finish the job. Like last week, these aren't good paint jobs but they are fast and I'm trying to keep up two per day (around 1.5 hours per fig or so) to burn through them as quickly as I dare. Also note that I'm experimenting with my photography rig and I haven't quite dialed it in yet so these shots are lousy as usual.

First up we have Nolzur's Female Half-Orc Barbarians and Nolzur's Female Half-Orc Fighters. Despite being from Nolzur's, I think these aren't terrible. The barbarians in particular, I think are fairly good sculpts. Notably, these are from a later wave and I'd like to think they're learning. Some day in the unforseeable future, I might lift my embargo of Nolzur's figs. I could have put more effort into the barbarians' fur and I don't think that the bronze-whatever on their armor particularly works. I was experimenting with different recipes and I don't think any of them particularly landed. These turned out OK, and I wouldn't be embarrassed to put them on my table.

These are a pair of packs of Nolzur's Female Human Cleric because I am a dummy and have a miniature buying problem. I'm doing much better this year, tho. I do not like these figs. Their armor is kind of dumb. I don't like their crowns or bendy weapons or dumb spell effects, and because of all of this, I generally didn't spend much time on them. It's also interesting seeing them side by side just how much the same figs can vary in this line. Every mini poses some interesting unique problems, even if it's another crack at painting the same figure. For that, I'm glad, but these don't look good and I'm not particularly sad about it.

Last up we have the wererat as seen in Nolzur's Wererat and Weretiger (the tiger part of the duo will be seen later) and the other half of Nolzur's Elf Female Rogue, and the blister mate of last week's rogue. The wererat's pose is janky but he doesn't have too terribly many details and the details he does have are pretty soft. The only rough part are his eyes which are pretty danged indistinct. This gal's gluing gaps and other difficulties are way worse than last week's. Despite that I put in more time into this fig than it could really support. For my efforts, these two look bad, but they're painted and that counts for something, right? 

2021 finished mini counter: 249/100

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