
Wizkids-a-rama, week 3 (week 42)

Week three of this theme and it's going...ok. On the whole, these aren't good figs and they are not easy to paint. I'm helped by the addition of a Redgrass wet palette. I own numerous wet palettes, many of which I made so you might be wondering why I not just bought one, but bought one of the spendiest of them available. My wet palettes all suffer from serious mold problems and nothing I've done has curbed this. The Redgrass claims to be mold-resistant so I'm putting it to the test. More on that later!

First up we have one half of Nolzur's Human Male Cleric, the other half of which is currently playing one of my player characters and featured way back in week 24. This fig is the epitome of Nolzur-ness. It has far too many details none of which make any damned sense. Across those too many details are a set of mold lines that resist mitigation. Beyond that, there's also hard to reach negative space and since these figs are primed in white, you can't just not paint it without looking really terrible. This guy was a mess and the only good thing I can say is that I don't have to paint him anymore. Oh, and I replaced the dumb thing on the end of his mace with a bead which looks much better even if it's on crooked.

These two are Pathfinder Female Half Elf Rangers. one of them looks like a preppy necromancer with a crossbow and the other looks like she belongs on Hoth. They contrast strangely in their completely different level of detail. One was extremely hard to paint, the other not so much. I think they work, but only just but I'm not entirely unhappy with this paint job. The photography, on the other hand, leaves much to be desired.

Next up we have Nolzur's Elf Male Druids and I don't like these figs. The renders look nice, but then again, they always look nice and I have no idea what that spell effect is on his hand, nor did I paint it particularly well. In this case I was helped by the detail on them and picking out the patterns in ochre helped hide some of the other sins. They're kind of big compared to the other figs in the line. Not sure what's up with that but it'd be really nice if it was consistent across the line.

These are Pathfinder Female Knights/Grey Maidens and they may win the trophy for "most straps." I'd hoped that all the armor would make it easy to hide mistakes with metallic paints but that turned out to not be the case. The sword gal had all kinds of badness on her cloak. It looks like it came out of the mold bad and they chose to send it down the line instead of pulling it for quality. I probably could have done more with that if I'd realized it was this bad (note: white primed figs make these kinds of issues really hard to see). I kind of like these figs and put extra time into them but kind of lost it after trying to put buckles on all the damned straps. They landed OK.

Next up we have Pathfinder Female Human Paladins who I mistook for Seelah and painted in her color scheme. Maybe that's what they intended. I can only guess, but I do have an official Seelah in one of the Bones kickstarters so I have to imagine there are licensing issues afoot. These might be good sculpts, I like the poses in particular, but they're let down by some properly messed up molding. Or priming. The priming is generally heavy on these which might be the problem. At any rate, the details ended up really soft in exactly the places they didn't want to be. I think the fleshtones turned out well but these have lousy negative space and I spent not nearly enough time blending their cloaks. If only I had the oils out. Next time, Seelah, next time. 

Last up we have the other half of Nolzur's Female Half Elf Monk which sounds an awful lot like I cut the fig in half but indeed, these come in packs of two. I bought this pack because of this gal's fireball and despite wanting to do a lot more pronounced OSL, I only did some. Normally when you do these you paint the dark half of the figure in, er, darkness, but I forgot to do that. So instead, I subdued the lighting effect from her fireball--yeah, that's it. I totally didn't half ass this at all. It's still OSL so it still counts! I also didn't realize how glossy the paint ended up until I shot it.

2021 finished mini counter: 259/100, OSL 3/5

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