
A thing a week 2022 (week 1)

New year, new challenge so here we go. Also, I've typed a lot about it, but I really am trying to take better pictures believe it or not. This week's offerings aren't particularly good but next week's should be better.

These two are more of my vintage throwback D&D figures, specifically Ral Partha 11-004 Rangers With Longsword and Bow. If you're picking up a Robin Hood and Maid Marian vibe there, I suspect that's not on accident, though the late 80s markings on their base mean that they predate Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves from 1991. They're 25mm and it's worth noting that eyes and other small details are usually pretty awful on such small figs. One nice thing about these, especially being metal, is that a lot of the details are popped way out which made it a lot easier. They were done in maybe 10 hours total and I think they came out pretty well.

These three are from Bones 4 and have been prepped on my desk for at least a  year. They are Townsfolk 1 bar maid, Townsfolk 2 angry woman, and Townsfolk 3 milk maid. Other than finishing these gals, I had two goals: practice fleshtones especially faces, and practice highlighting light colored linens. I'll let you decide how good a job I did but as practice, I'm not unhappy with the results. Probably my blends could be better, as usual, and there are details that aren't as crisp as I'd like, as usual, but there were some learnings involved in the twelve or so hours I spent on them. The biggest one was reinforcing the idea that I shouldn't be in a hurry. It's obvious when you saytype it out but it's definitely true and I'm hoping that this will propel me to higher levels of quality this year. Also, I really wish the milk maid's face wasn't quite so blurry since I spent a lot of time on her.

This guy (I'm assuming it's a guy, anyway) is a Reaper Bones Giant Weasel from Bones 5. He is not a complicated paint job but complicated is not a requirement! He's a series of washes and drybrushing and then some picking out of details. In my research, I learned that a) weasels have really beady black eyes which I have faithfully reproduced here, and b) weasels are freakin' adorable. Seriously. Do an image search. 

2022 finished mini counter: 6/100

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