
A danger of kobolds, week 1 (2022, week 5)

This week we're starting a theme albeit a small one (pun intended) but first, a small history lesson. Way back in November of 2019 I painted a danger of kobolds and boy are those pictures shoddy. Therein I typed these things about the 11 from Bones 4: "If I had it to do again (and I might) I'd possibly spend more time to get a better result." Well, the time has come.

These six are Bones 5 kobolds and most of them were present in the Bones 4 danger, too. And yes, for those wondering, "danger of kobolds" is the official term. Allegedly. This batch has a couple new guys and those figs are at least as fun as the original ones. Bonus: the new molds are really clean. Sadly, this stands in contrast with the older sculpts whose molds aren't nearly as nice and I didn't put enough time into fixing their mold lines. The typical prep was applied with a base coat and zenithal of light turquoise. That was an ancient pot of Reaper paint that clogged terribly in my airbrush. After that we got a homemade contrast paint (yes, you can make those) and highlight by hand with a mix of Daler Rowney inks. 

I put more time into these guys than I probably would have otherwise because I remembered how I felt when I wrote the quote above: disappointed. While these aren't as high as I can crank them, I don't think most of them will take a much higher quality paint job without a lot more prep. These guys start a four week batch that are running cover for some bigger projects.

2022 finished mini counter: 18/100

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