
A thing a week 2020, week 42

I've been trying to justify buying a 3d printer.  This is a fairly useless effort because I know that I'm going to buy one anyway, but it didn't stop me from cataloging my minis in near totality.  I've excluded my Star Fleet Battles figs for...reasons.  For fun, I also added counts for all of the unfulfilled kikckstarters I've backed.  What I'd hoped is that I'd come out with a "mostly done" kind of number.  I don't know why I thought that.  What I got was a big number completely dwarfed by an even bigger number.  Turns out I'm just over 20% though a pile of shamepotential of close to 1600 figs.  So I got that goin' for me.  

Because my backlog is so large and the pile of boxes is becoming difficult to step over, I decided to work through some of the partially-done boxes that are taking up space.  These are the final 12 Viking Bondi that we saw earlier this year completing the set of 32.  With the other 16 guys of the exact same molds named Saxon Fyrd Warriors, I have a veritable army of these guys. 

Instead of building what seemed fun, I took stock of the existing guys to see where more representation was warranted.  That ended up being some bowmen, some dual wielders, and a few dudes with warhorns that I don't have rules for (yet).  One of the archers ended up with a bow kitbashed from elsewhere because I was short one.  He shouldn't be hard to spot.  The weird poses were because there was a distinct shortage of left arms that could take a weapon.  The color scheme was basically "what would look OK that isn't already represented" which translated to "teal, purple, and golden brown delicious" so if they look a little garish, that's why.  I also used a couple new Pro Acryl metallics to see if they're any good and the nicest thing I can say is that they're not as good as Vallejo Metal Colors--accept no substitutes.  

These were based in place prior to painting and done as a batch over several days.  I recorded the building time for these guys and I was surprised to find it was around 4 for the dozen of them.  I wouldn't have guessed I spent this long building and scraping mold lines, especially given how lousy a job I did of both.  While the last batch of 20 seemed very tedious indeed, these seemed a lot less so and didn't take nearly as long per fig despite being done to a higher quality.  No fancy tricks here, really, just another batch paint on the heels of last weeks' Stark Sworn Swords running around 21 hours from clipping the first parts off the sprue to the end of painting.  I think these are fine overall for a speed paint and I'm happy to complete the box.

2020 finished mini counter:  132/50

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