
Blacklist Backlog week 1 (2024 week 4)

This week we're beginning the end-run of Blacklist Fantasy Series 1. Astute readers will note that there's been quite a few blf1 figs here in the last several months but now we're on the home stretch.

Kicking things off, we have Street Vendor, Female Elf Barbarian and Male Half Elf Bard. These aren't  characters that are likely to get a lot of screen time and thus I didn't spend a whole lot of time with them. I'm still experimenting with Army Speed Paints 2.0 and they're continuing to impress. Also like a lot of these, the mold lines have been awful and that made a lot of the painting a lot less enjoyable than it should have been. Probably the street vendor's tchochkes should be metallic and probably the elf barbarian was meant to be pantsless but I did neither of those. The monk's wrappings, scarf, and sash are messier than they look in the figure. The barbarian's face is slightly better in person. These three aren't my best work (clearly) and overall they were done in about six hours.

 Next up we have Male Elf Bard, Female Human Barbarian, and Female Elf Ranger. I don't super like any of these sculpts but that didn't prevent me from not spending a lot of time with them. The highlighting on the green came out well as did the highlighting on the black parts. The bard's instrument and barbarian's hair really didn't come out well, tho. Also, while the color composition of the barbarian is ostensibly correct, I don't think that the shade of red I chose for her hair works super well and I certainly didn't spend enough time with it. The ranger's red basecoat was played again by Contrast Paint and again I note how shiny it is and how much I dislike that. Also not sure why her head is so small. They were done in around the same six hours and I note that the detail density on these three is right around where I want it.

Last up we have a b-b-bonus! These three props are from Dungeons and Lasers from I think their first kickstarter. They've been sitting around on my painting table for a while and one day when I was done with what I'd set out to do, I wanted to continue so I slapped some paint on them. I don't slap paint around as often as I used to so it's extra satisfying when I do so. On the one hand, I like that my standard quality is raising. On the other hand, I don't like that the time spent per fig and the pressure to paint well is raising too. Probably there's more I should think about here, but for now we'll leave it there. Also, I have three more props to use.

2024 finished mini counter: 27/208

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