
Shoe's 30 for 30, day 11

Today was "paint the village hall" day which should not be a surprise.  I might have also started work on a couple other things for later this week.  I didn't do work in progress shots because they're pretty much going to look like any other work in progress painting shots.  Also, I don't think the painting came out all that well.

I wanted to do better with the roofing this time around.  I textured the shingles with a wire brush before painting in the hopes that the drybrushing and wash would show better.  I figured these were split wood shingles rather than slate or tile or something so painted in what I hoped would be a reasonable wood color.  My grey drybrushing was heavier than normal to try to read as aged but I don't think it worked.  I couldn't get the drybrushing to cooperate and the wash certainly didn't.  Next time I'll try with a darker grey.

I also did some minor experimentation today.  I've been struggling with some godawful washes I made weeks ago out of craft paint, water, and dish soap.  This is a pretty standard recipe for "cheap" wash but I don't think mine are working right. They're too dark where I want them light and too light where I want them dark.  They also take forever to dry which is why they never properly shade my building bases despite looking really good when first applied.

I know what washes are supposed to be like--I use them in mini painting quite a lot.  I don't know why these aren't working the way I want them to.  Maybe I put too much dish soap in or something--I dunno.  I will probably experiment with some of the fancier medium-based wash recipes from online like BMC's which is an adaptation from Les' Recipe (edit:  I thought it was Lukes Aps but it wasn't).

All told we're complete at just over 10 hours (6 build, 4 paint).  The more I look at it, the more I dislike the painting on this one.  Seems bad to ruin a good build with a lousy paint job.  Someday I'll be bothered enough to try to fix it but after Shoe's 30 for 30.

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