
Shoe's 30 for 30, day 26

More painting today, this time minis, and I hear what you're thinking anonymous reader, "most of those are just tiny things."  Yes, yes, they are.  They're still minis, though and they still need paint.  I note that my setup isn't fantastic for photos.  If I'm ambitious tomorrow, I may try to fix some lighting.  Today's total is 15 figs in like 7 hours and thankfully clears some clutter off my crafting area.

These doods are goblins.  Specifically Nolzur's Marvelous Miniatures Goblins.  I like these sculpts quite a lot.  They look like they mean business.  I didn't clean these up as much as I should have before painting so they aren't as nice as they might have been.  I tried to limit the number of colors to go faster so these and the next guys are all dressed in the same colors.  Must be embarrassing.

These guys are also Nolzur's Marvelous Miniatures, this time Kobolds.  They match my other kobolds and are also dressed in the same colors.  I had to mix a wash (gasp) since they're turquoise and I didn't have one.  I don't like Army Painter paints all that much even though I use them frequently.  Their washes on the other hand are fabulous.

Yep, these guys are here and didn't take a ton of effort to paint.  Like I said before, they needed paint and they're miniatures so they count toward my total.  The two panthers and three purple-based spider swarms are from the Legend of Drizzt Boardgame.  The other two Spider Swarms and two Rat Swarms are Reaper Bones.  They were mostly airbrushed.

2019 finished mini counter:  29/100

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