
Shoe's 30 for 30, day 23

We're stepping back from the speed builds for the next two days so we can build something big and with good detail.  This is part of another tavern, cleverly called "tavern 2" in my notes and includes the base, the second floor, and....[drum roll please]...the third playable floor base.  The roof should arrive tomorrow.  I would have liked to have had the entire build complete for a big reveal but I've got other obligations today and I want to do something really complicated.  Because I like pain.  Apparently.

The posts go with the bottom this time because painting was such a stinking hassle yesterday.  I do like the toothpick thing and I'm thinking I should do that every time there are free-standing posts.  It makes me wish the base had a thicker piece of foam.  If we think back to tavern #1 way back on day 5 it was two pieces of much thicker XPS glued together with a thick slab on top.  The base of this one is two super thin pieces of XPS glued to a piece of medium weight chipboard with a thin slab on top.

The XPS on the base is textured pretty much exactly like the last one with the Green Stuff World rolling pins.  The walls are hand-textured with a pen just like day 21.  The floor platform for the second floor is similarly a pair of thin slabs glued together with beams sticking out just far enough to show properly.  That means that the floor itself wasn't super well supported and ended up being extra flimsy.  I fixed this with craft sticks underneath.  I also remembered that day 21's beams were exposed in the underneath area and a pain to paint so I covered them up with timbers so I wouldn't have to deal with it.  This construction is pretty solid and weighty which means that heavy metal minis standing on the overhang are less likely to topple it over.

The playable foundation for floor #3 is pretty much the same as floor #2 without the need to overhang anything.  As such its construction is a lot less complicated but still reinforced with crafting sticks.  The playable slab doesn't fit on top of the wall--it's the same size as the one below, so it has to be sitting on platforms.  So I dutifully made a bunch of platforms and then screwed up gluing the slab to them.  Turns out that I didn't have time to reposition before the hot glue cured so I had to pull the whole thing off again.  That sucked.  For next time, I'm going to limit the number of glue points on the original...err...gluing, then reinforce after the fact.  That worked out much better.  There's some fixup to avoid showing gaps between the slab and walls which shouldn't be a problem once it's primed and painted.

So far, minus my dumb blunders, it's turned out pretty much how I want it.  I think we're up to seven hours of build time so far but unlike normal, I didn't take good notes.  Tomorrow, though, the real pain begins.  I even did maths.  The horror.

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