
Shoe's 30 for 30, day 17

I've got a lot of stuff going on this week so I'm having to pipeline some of the work for the next few days.  Today's thing is thus the expected painting of the last build, pictured right. 

Two things have become apparent.  First, the pen texturing on the timbers is a lot more random and IMO, better looking than solely texturing with a comb.  Second, it's been way easier to paint.  A minor bonus is taking up less paint.  I took more time to paint as I went and I think the outcome is better as a result.  Easier to paint + more accurate -> probably a good choice even though it's a lot less fun to build.  There are a couple details I'd like to make better for next time. 
Drybrushing really worked well here.

One bad thing is that my gluing wasn't as good as I'd hoped and there are a couple of bad seams on the walls.  Those weren't covered over with the Mod Podge or the paint so that's not the best.  The next building also has PVA glued walls so hopefully I can improve on that part of it. 

The jettying on the roof doesn't look quite right but it's kind of a stand in anyway so I'm not that bothered about it.  Someday I'll probably build a second floor for it, maybe later this week.  Also, the chimney is missing.  I made sure that the next building will have one so not everyone will freeze to death.

Total paint time including the Mod Podge coat was just over two hours.  So just under four hours plus just over two hours sounds a lot like right around six hours total build and paint time.  That's approaching something reasonable.  I'd like to get the build and paint time down to right around four hours for a single story building not including drying time.  It'll be interesting to compare the ending build+paint times at the end of the 30 days and the beginning. 

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