
Shoe's 30 for 30, day 8

Wash still drying!
Today was a light day like yesterday due to other obligations.  Tomorrow will be writing. Don't worry, it's lengthy.  These are small wall sections because every action-y game requires chest height walls to let players know there's combat, right?  In actuality, these are built to the same scale as my normal dungeon tiles though they're intended as scatter. 

These are about as basic as you'd think--basically a chunk of proxxoned bricks glued together in a wall. The "base" is a set of 0.5x0.5x1 inch bricks set widthwise and glued together with some screws glued in for weight.  After that it's half sized bricks at 0.25x0.25x0.5 inches lengthwise until we get to the top (basically one row) where we swap for 0x25x0.5x1 inch bricks because I had them available and wanted to finish them off.

Note that when you're hot gluing without a base you really want to glue on top of something that hot glue doesn't stick to unlike my cutting mat.  Parchment paper, the kind I use for wet palettes, works well.  Note that it'll still stick while the glue is curing. 

The "base" is not coincidentally the same height as my normal dungeon tiles so they double as walls there too.  The next batch (whenever that is) will probably be solely built with the smaller bricks and probably half the width of these and I'll probably make some two inch wall sections as well. 

These got the normal painting treatment.  I first sealed with mod podge + black paint, a two step process since I wanted to seal both the top and the bottom.  After that we move to painting off a cheapo wet palette and finish with a drybrush and a wash. 

Checking sizes.
The cheapo wet palette is my old homemade one made from a tub formerly containing lunch meats with a kitchen sponge in the bottom and some parchment paper on top.  These are the same containers I hold building materials with in many of my pictures.  the This almost makes me not hate craft paints.  And if you're wondering why I didn't use my Sta-Wet, well, it's still got mini paints I'm hoping to use in a couple days so it's off limits. 

Tomorrow most likely will be an article on worldbuilding--one of my favorite subjects.  If you're wondering why, it's because I'm running my game tomorrow and I'm going to be busy with prep and cooking.  We should return to normal builds on Sunday. 

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