
Shoe's 30 for 30: day 16

I've other obligations today so this is kind of a filler post.  In the downtime of waiting for the hot glue gun to warm up, PVA to set enough to handle, or any of various time I need to slow my roll for 5 to 10 minutes, I like having a second smaller thing I can work on.  Bonus points if that thing can suck up some of the random scraps that inevitably get leftover from whatever big things I've been working on.  Welp, today's thing is both of those.

These are simple scatter crates.  They're pretty much what you might expect:  a core of XPS with coffee stirrers glued to the sides.  These use up small cuts of XPS and the random little bits of leftover textured coffee stirrers I have laying around.  It also means I get to replace the relatively boring Lego standins I've been using for the last like three years which you can see here with the cart they came in on.

I started washing these with my favorite Agrax Earthshade but didn't think they turned out very well.  Instead, I washed with my lousy brown wash which in this case did OK.  A light craft paint drybrush rounds them out.  If I'm honest, I think the painting is the low point on these so next time around I'll probably think that through a little better. 

If you wanted to poke some nail holes in each plank to add to the realism, that would also be appropriate, probably before washing.  Tomorrow we should be back to the normal insanity though I'm really wanting to paint some minis.

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